The Inputs Instructions
===========INPUTS FOR EXPERT===========
EA Magic Quantity: a novel identifier that distinguishes between completely different orders or trades positioned by an Knowledgeable Advisor (EA). Make sure that every EA you might be utilizing has a unique magic quantity.
EA Run in Each Tick: This parameter is used to determine on worth motion checks if it will likely be performed on tick or on the formation of a 1 minute. At present, all indicators don’t require an On Tick degree, so the default setting is fake.
===========INPUTS FOR ENTRY SIGNAL===========
———–Common Settings———–
Choose Most important Sign for commerce: Right here, we choose the entry indicators for buying and selling. This system has 10+ built-in entry indicators for choice, and the entry indicators could be additional expanded in keeping with person wants sooner or later. After choosing the entry sign, that you must set the parameters of the sign within the corresponding sign parameter setting space.
Choose SL Sort: There are 6 sorts to decide on.
- No SL: No cease loss is about for orders.
- SL in Factors: Set a set variety of factors because the cease loss for the order.
- SL in ATRs: Set a set a number of ATRs because the cease loss for the order.
- Swing Excessive/Low: Use the current swing excessive as a cease loss for brief orders and the current swing low as a cease loss for lengthy orders.
- SL Supplied by Entry Sign: Use the cease loss sort set by the entry sign because the cease loss for the order. Every entry sign might present a number of cease loss sorts, which could be set within the entry sign parameter setting space.
- SL Supplied by Filter: We might have added a number of filtering indicators to the entry sign, every of which may present a unique cease loss sort. Right here, we are able to select the cease loss sort offered by the filtering sign because the cease loss for the order. Every filtering sign might present a number of cease loss sorts, which could be set within the filtering sign parameter setting space.
—ATR Peroid: If SL in ATRs is chosen above, the ATR Interval must be set right here.
—Cease Loss degree (in pips/ATR): Set particular numerical values for SL in Factors or SL in ATRs.
Choose TP Sort: There are 7 sorts to decide on.
- No TP: No take revenue is about for orders.
- TP in Factors: Set a set variety of factors because the take revenue for the order.
- TP in ATRs: Set a set a number of ATRs because the take revenue for the order.
- “X” SL: Use a set a number of of SL because the take revenue for the order.
- Swing Excessive/Low: Use the current swing excessive as a take revenue for lengthy orders and the current swing low as a take revenue for brief orders.
- TP Supplied by Entry Sign: Use the take revenue sort set by the entry sign because the take revenue for the order. Every entry sign might present a number of take revenue sorts, which could be set within the entry sign parameter setting space.
- TP Supplied by Filter: We might have added a number of filtering indicators to the entry sign, every of which may present a unique take revenue sort. Right here, we are able to select the take revenue sort offered by the filtering sign because the take revenue for the order. Every filtering sign might present a number of take revenue sorts, which could be set within the filtering sign parameter setting space.
—Take Revenue degree (in pips/ATR): Set particular numerical values for TP in Factors or TP in ATRs.
—TP “X” Worth: Set the “X” values for “X” SL chosen above.
MS Size (Depth) for Swing Excessive/Low: That is used for the smc indicator that’s carried out to investigate market construction, and it has an impression on the place to set the SL/TP if the choice Swing Excessive/Low is used.
Expiration of pending orders (in bars): This parameter will help you set an expiration time for your orders, 0 means no expiration time is about, 2 signifies that the expiration time of the order is 2 bars. For instance, when buying and selling on the 1 hour, 2 implies that the expiration time of the order is 2 hours.
Most variety of orders: The utmost variety of orders allowed by EA, which is able to embody the present positions.
Breakeven when earlier positions are in loss: When the floating lack of an order exceeds the required worth, the TP of the order shall be modified to the open worth.
—Loss Threshold (in pips): If the above choice is true, set the floating loss worth right here.
Shut Positions When reverse sign: When the entry sign exhibits a sign in the other way, Shut Place.
Sign Inverting: When we have to commerce in the other way of the entry sign, we are able to set this selection to True. For instance, when our entry sign selects MarketStructurue, we brief when a Bull BOS happens, and lengthy when a Bear BOS happens.
Shut Positions at Sure Time: If true, the EA will shut all promote or purchase trades on the outlined shut place time.
—Hour to Shut Positions(0-23): Closing Hour of all open positions
—Minute to Shut Positions(0-59): Closing Minute of all open positions
Cancel Orders at Sure Time: If true, the EA will delete all pending orders on the outlined delete orders time.
—Hour to Cancel Orders(0-23): Deleting Hour of all open orders
—Minute to Cancel Orders(0-59): Deleting Minute of all open orders
Use Day by day Revenue Restrict: This can help you activate the every day revenue limitation.
—Max Day by day Revenue %:
Use Day by day Drawdown Restrict: This can help you activate the every day drawdown limitation.
—Max Day by day DD %:
———–Candles Sign Parameter settings———–
Sign Candles Sample Utilization: This can help you activate the every day revenue limitation.
Sign Entry Sample Utilization:
—ATR Interval for Candles: This can help you activate the every day drawdown limitation.
—Max Vary for Sample Search(in bars):
—Minimal Fluctuation Vary of Value(in ATR)
—Shadow Massive for Candles Sample
—Shadow Small for Candles Sample
—Candles Mode Utilization
Choose SL Sort Supplied by the Sign
Choose TP Sort Supplied by the Sign
———–MA Sign Parameter settings———–
———–MACD Sign Parameter settings———–
Sign Bull/Bear Sample Utilization
Sign Entry Sample Utilization
—MACD Interval for quick
—MACD Interval for gradual
—MACD Interval for sign
—MACD Utilized
———–RSI Sign Parameter settings———–
———–WPR Sign Parameter settings———–
———–BreakerBlocks Sign Parameter settings———–
Sign Bull/Bear Sample Utilization
Sign Entry Sample Utilization
—BB iStructure Algo
—BB iStructure Break Sort
—BB iStructure Size
—BB sStructure Algo
—BB sStructure Break Sort
—BB sStructure Size
Choose SL Sort Supplied by this Sign
Choose TP Sort Supplied by this Sign
———–BSL/SSL Sign Parameter settings———–
Sign Bull/Bear Sample Utilization
Sign Entry Sample Utilization
—BSL/SSL iStructure Algo
—BSL/SSL iStructure Break Sort
—BSL/SSL iStructure Size
—BSL/SSL sStructure Algo
—BSL/SSL sStructure Break Sort
—BSL/SSL sStructure Size
Choose SL Sort Supplied by the Sign
Choose TP Sort Supplied by this Sign
———–FiboRe Sign Parameter settings———–
Sign Bull/Bear Sample Utilization
Sign Entry Sample Utilization
—FiboRe iStructure Algo
—FiboRe iStructure Break Sort
—FiboRe iStructure Size
—FiboRe sStructure Algo
—FiboRe sStructure Break Sort
—FiboRe sStructure Size
—FiboRe FBR Sort
—FiboRe MinRe for Sign
—FiboRe MaxRe for Sign
Choose SL Sort Supplied by the Sign
—FiboRe Degree for SL
Choose TP Sort Supplied by this Sign
———–FVG Sign Parameter settings———–
Sign Bull/Bear Sample Utilization
Sign Entry Sample Utilization
—FVG Interval
—FVG Stuffed Sort
—FVG MiniSize Filter
Choose SL Sort Supplied by the Sign
Choose TP Sort Supplied by this Sign
———–Killzone Sign Parameter settings———–
Sign Bull/Bear Sample Utilization
Sign Entry Sample Utilization
—Killzone Start Hour
—Killzone Start Minute
—Killzone Finish Hour
—Killzone Finish Minute
—Killzone Label Textual content
—Killzone Present Final
—Killzone Present Predict
Choose SL Sort Supplied by the Sign
Choose TP Sort Supplied by this Sign
———–Market Construction Sign Parameter settings———–
Sign Bull/Bear Sample Utilization
Sign Entry Sample Utilization
—MS Construction Algo
—MS Construction Break Sort
—MS Construction Size(Depth)
Choose SL Sort Supplied by the Sign
Choose TP Sort Supplied by this Sign
———–NWOG/NDOG Sign Parameter settings———–
Sign Bull/Bear Sample Utilization
Sign Entry Sample Utilization
Choose SL Sort Supplied by the Sign
Choose TP Sort Supplied by this Sign
———–OrderBlock Sign Parameter settings———–
Sign Bull/Bear Sample Utilization
Sign Entry Sample Utilization
—OB iStructure Algo
—OB iStructure Break Sort
—OB iStructure Size
—OB sStructure Algo
—OB sStructure Break Sort
—OB sStructure Size
Choose SL Sort Supplied by the Sign
Choose TP Sort Supplied by this Sign
===========INPUTS FOR TRAILING===========
———–FixedPips Trailing Parameter settings———–
———–Breakeven Trailing Parameter settings———–
Choose Breakeven Sort
—“X” Worth (in pips)
—“X” Danger to Reward
———–MA Trailing Parameter settings———–
—Trailing MA Interval
—Trailing MA Shift
—Trailing MA Technique
—Trailing MA Utilized
———–MaxMove Trailing Parameter settings———–
———–ParabolicSAR Trailing Parameter settings———–
———–MarketStructureStep Trailing Parameter settings———–
Choose Trailing Sort
Choose Counter Sort
—The proportion of step1
—The proportion of step2
—The proportion of step3
—The proportion of step4
—MS Construction Algo
—MS Construction Size(Depth)
===========INPUTS FOR MONEY===========
———–FixedLot Cash Parameter settings———–
———–FixedMargin Cash Parameter settings———–
—Proportion of margin
———–FixedRisk Cash Parameter settings———–
———–SizeOptimized Cash Parameter settings———–
—Lower issue
———–Common Settings———–
———–Candles Filter Parameter settings———–
Flip On/Off Candles Sign filter On TimeFrame1
—ATR Interval
—Max Vary for Sample Search(in bars)
—Minimal Fluctuation Vary of Value(in ATR)
—Shadow Massive for Candles Sample
—Shadow Small for Candles Sample
—Candles Mode
Final Sign Expiration(Candles nums)
Sign Inverting
Choose SL Sort Supplied by the Sign
Choose TP Sort Supplied by the Sign
———–MA Filter Parameter settings———–
Flip On/Off MA Sign filter On TimeFrame1
Sign Bull/Bear Sample Utilization
—MA Interval
—MA Shift
—MA Technique
—MA Utilized
Final Sign Expiration(Candles nums)
Sign Inverting
———–MACD Filter Parameter settings———–
Flip On/Off MACD Sign filter On TimeFrame1
Sign Bull/Bear Sample Utilization
—MACD Interval for quick
—MACD Interval for gradual
—MACD Interval for sign
—MACD Utilized
Final Sign Expiration(Candles nums)
Sign Inverting