Welcome to “The Pipeline” — a weekly column from HubSpot, that includes actionable recommendation and perception from actual gross sales leaders.

A good portion of the B2B prospecting calls you make will find yourself going to voicemail — making the gross sales voicemail methods you leverage and the way nicely you may execute them completely essential to your gross sales efforts.
However getting there is not at all times easy — with the ability to routinely depart well-constructed, efficient gross sales voicemails can elude even the sharpest reps.
So to assist guarantee your voicemails are hermetic and adept, I’ve put collectively a listing of eight suggestions that may rework your technique and persistently generate productive responses from prospects.
8 Voicemail Strategies That Result in Closed Offers
1. Go in with the precise expectations.
I typically hear salespeople complain that prospects by no means return their calls after they’ve left a voicemail. Meaning the salesperson expects the prospect to name them again in the event that they‘re . So when nobody calls again, they have a tendency to imagine certainly one of two issues — both their product isn’t in demand or they are not an excellent salesperson.
Most often, neither one is true — arriving at these conclusions usually means the rep in query’s expectations have been off.
Prospects — particularly decision-makers — are normally extraordinarily busy. In addition they get a big quantity of calls and, in flip, voicemails from individuals making an attempt to promote them one thing. Taking the time to return calls from gross sales reps they do not know takes day trip of their schedule and eats away at their productiveness.
If a prospect doesn‘t name you again, don’t take that as a private affront to your gross sales abilities or character. An absence of response doesn’t suggest they can not have an interest.
2. Use a mixture of voicemail messages and calls with no messages.
Do not depart a message each time you name — as an alternative, work out a cadence that features calls the place you do not depart a voicemail. For instance, when you’re calling a prospect a number of occasions in a single week, you may depart a message on each fifth try. For those who’re spreading out your calls, strive leaving a voicemail each one to 2 weeks.
Various your touches makes you appear much less pushy. This method additionally makes it simpler to depart a novel voicemail every time.
3. Educate the prospect.
The purpose of nearly each voicemail is getting the prospect to return your name, and prospects usually do not name again purely for the sake of calling again. You have to give them a cause to achieve again out — and it is arduous to get there when you sound like each different salesperson who leaves a message on their machine.
Keep away from generic, unhelpful messaging, like:
“Howdy [prospect], that is [name] from [company] and we offer [services]. I wish to schedule a gathering with you to see when you want what we offer. Please give me a name again at your earliest comfort at [phone number].”
Strive altering that purpose to educating the prospect on why they need to discuss with you.
“Howdy [prospect], that is [name] from [company].
I’m calling as a result of we discover many [prospect’s job title] have challenges with:
- Widespread ache level #1
- Widespread ache level #2
- Widespread ache level #3
I’ll strive you once more subsequent week. If you need to achieve me within the meantime, my quantity is [number].
Once more, that is [name] calling from [company]. Thanks, and I sit up for speaking with you quickly.”
4. Don’t use sales-y messaging.
Your prospect receives lots of calls, emails, and voicemails from salespeople. Make your message stand out by lowering its “salesiness”. Take strides like:
- Avoiding jargon or buzzwords
- Avoiding clichés, equivalent to, “Are you interested by saving X?”
- Circuitously stating your purpose of eager to schedule a gathering the place you plan to attempt to promote to them, equivalent to “I might wish to schedule a quick assembly with you to debate your wants in [business area].”
- Mentioning a novel reality about your prospect’s firm or goals.
5. Don’t speak about your merchandise and firm in your message.
Decrease how a lot you speak about your product, providers, and firm in your voicemail. Keep in mind, this isn’t the time to persuade them to purchase: You’re making an attempt to encourage curiosity in a dialog.
As an alternative of speaking about what you promote, discuss concerning the enhancements you make, the issues you repair, examples of the way you helped, the methods you differ, the ROI you ship, and so forth.
6. Go away totally different messages each time.
You may have many highly effective particulars and anecdotes to share with the prospect — far too many to share in a single message. Spotlight a brand new reality or theme each time.
Here’s a pattern sequence of speaking factors:
- Message #1: Share ache factors that your clients typically have.
- Message #2: Share enhancements you’re often chargeable for.
- Message #3: Share an instance of the way you helped an individual or enterprise.
- Message #4: Share particulars concerning the ROI that you simply normally ship.
- Message #5: Share ways in which you differ out of your opponents.
7. Comply with each voicemail with an e-mail.
All the time ship your prospect an e-mail after you’ve left a voicemail. This permits prospects to visually see your title and firm and click on a hyperlink to go to your web site for extra data. It is also simpler for prospects to answer to emails than voicemails — and so they can save emails for future reference.
8. Don’t hand over the duty of calling again.
To remain accountable for the gross sales course of, don’t ask the prospect to name you again. I say one thing like:
“I’ll strive you once more subsequent week. If you wish to attain me earlier than then, my quantity is [phone number].”
This maintains ahead momentum and offers a better stage of service, because you’re not asking the prospect to do something.
These are a couple of of my suggestions for bettering your B2B prospecting voicemails. I hope this helps you join with prospects, get your foot within the door of latest accounts, and enhance your outcomes.